Kaibosh Food Rescue operates in Wellington, the Hutt Valley, Kāpiti and Horowhenua, supplying food to more than 140 charities and community groups in the Greater Wellington Region.
There are many other food rescue organisations working across New Zealand.
The Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance provides national support for local food rescue organisations to reduce food waste and increase food security. If you’re interested in setting up a food rescue service, check out the map below to see if one exists in your area. If not, please get in touch with AFRA for support.
These organisations run on a similar model to Kaibosh, providing food to community organisations that support people in need.
Email: rosa@foodrescuenorthland.nz
Email: info@fairfood.org.nz
Fair Food on Facebook
Email: foodrescue@kiwiharvest.org.nz
Phone: 0800 60 16 09
KiwiHarvest on Facebook
Email: kaivolution@envirocentre.org.nz
Email: lovesoupnz@gmail.com
Email: kaivolution@envirocentre.org.nz
Email: info@gizzykairescue.org
Email: christina@nourishedfornil.nz
Email: coordinator@waiwaste.org.nz
Waiwaste on Facebook
Email: justzilch.pn@gmail.com
Phone: 022 JZPALMY
Just Zilch on Facebook
Contact: Tracy Wellington
Email: admin@kca.org.nz
Kiwi Community Assistance on Facebook
Email: kairescue@nec.org.nz
Kai Rescue on Facebook
Contact: Phillipa Hunt
Email: satisfyfoodrescue@outlook.com
Phone: 027 951 6052
Satisfy Food Rescue on Facebook
Contact: John and Janice Milligan
Email: info@foodbankanz.org.nz
Phone: 022 162 1104
Foodbank Canterbury on Facebook
Email: admin@0800hungry.org
Phone: 03 384 7842 or 03 384 7841
0800 Hungry on Facebook
Contact: Susie Townshend
Email: foodrescue.dunedin@kiwiharvest.org.nz
Phone: 0800 601 609
KiwiHarvest on Facebook
Email: hello@nzfoodnetwork.org.nz
Phone: 0800 FOODNZ (0800 366 369)
New Zealand Food Network on Facebook